Oct 06

Part 14: What It Means to be Human (3)

Todd Pruitt |Series: Genesis |Genesis 1:26-28; 2:22-25

For generations people have asked “Who am I?” But in our generation that question has been supplemented by the even more fundamental, “What am I?” The first two chapters of Genesis set the moral and theological trajectory for the rest of the Bible’s teachings concerning human identity. What we know about gender, sexuality, and marriage finds its origin in the creation account.

It would be difficult to fix a date to the so-called “sexual revolution.” However, it was during the 1960’s and 70’s when the biblical ethics of sexuality began to be publically challenged and even mocked like never before in the history of the West. But even as pre-marital sex, co-habitation, and divorce became acceptable, it has only been in the last decade that homosexual marriage has become more widely accepted. And even more recently transgenderism has entered the American mainstream. These massive cultural shifts have occurred at blinding speed. They have produced their own vocabulary and social expectations. Acceptance of such behaviors is demanded to the extent that merely suggesting that biblical ethics are to be preferred over the new innovations is considered bigotry and the offender is often shamed into silence.

What is more, children raised in Christian homes and faithful churches are finding their faith in God and his Word shaken over matters related to sexuality and gender. This is so because they find themselves at a crossroads of either affirming what they are being told everyday by everyone (other than their parents and church) or being considered a bully and a bigot. They have friends who claim to be a gender other than that which is assigned by their biology. They have friends who identify as gay or queer. There is therefore a great emotional and social cost for them to consider these friends as lost souls in desperate need of the Savior.

Like never before, the church in the West needs biblical clarity and Christian compassion in addressing issues related to sexuality and gender. God’s law brings life. His boundaries around sexuality are for our joy and physical health. We see all around us the terrible cost of transgressing God’s boundaries for sexuality. Christian love demands that we plead with our neighbors to leave their sin and turn to Christ. Compassion dictates that we not celebrate the very things that are destroying the body and soul of those we are called to love.

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