Sep 02

The Doctrine of God | Week 1

Todd Pruitt |Series: The Doctrine of God

“Let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth.” (Jeremiah 9:24) God has made Himself known to us in part because our joy depends upon our knowledge of God. Our purpose in studying the doctrine of God will be to take hold of that which God has revealed about Himself in His word so that our hearts and minds will be filled with a greater love for Him. The goal of the study of God is not informational but transformational. It is about doxology and devotion. Among the topics of this study will be God’s existence, His simplicity, His eternality, and His triune nature. This class is taught by Pastor Todd Pruitt.

Portions of the audio have been edited during times of class interaction due to low sound quality. 

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