Road Rally VBS

Feel free to check out samples of the materials and order your copy today.

VBS Starter Kit


The Starter Kit includes:

  • Digital Downloads of:
    • Director’s manual
    • Lesson manuals for each station
    • Supplemental materials
  • 1 Road Rally Soundtrack CD
  • 1 Motions DVD
  • 1 Cartoon Cutout Cinema DVD
  • 1 Sound Effects CD

Order Extra Copies of DVD's and CD's

Soundtrack CD


The CD contains 9 songs that your kids will love.

Motions DVD


The DVD includes videos showing the motions that correspond with each song on the CD.

Cartoon Cutout Cinema DVD


This DVD contains the videos for the Cartoon Cutout Cinema and Missions Station.

Sound Effects CD


This CD contains sound effects for the bible story time.

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