Worship Service
Sunday morning is about worship and we encourage families to worship together. Children and teens are in the process of developing their understanding of worship and what value God’s church should have in their lives. Opinions are primarily shaped by watching their parent’s posture toward worship. It’s our hope to support parents and encourage youth to participate fully in worship, listen and think deeply, and ask questions. We believe youth who engage in the worship service now are much better equipped for church life as an adult.
Youth Sunday School
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
God has given parents the challenging calling of discipling their children in all truth. Youth Sunday School exists to assist families in this high calling. Each Sunday morning we seek to help youth grow to love the Word of God, understand how it applies to their lives, develop a solid Christian worldview, and provide space for honest questions. Alongside quality teaching is the value for youth to build friendships and enjoy the fellowship of other believers. This often involves donuts!
2019-2020 YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL, 10:00-11:00 A.M.:
- Grade 6 will meet in the Library, led by Gary and Becky Shickel, Phillip and Erin Fusaro.
- Grades 7-8 Boys will meet in Annex 2, led by Keith Fowler and Mike Martin.
- Grades 7-8 Girls will meet in Annex 3, led by Kelly Kidd, Ashley Hormel, and Danielle Martin.
- Grades 9-12 will meet in the Youth Room, led by Youth Pastor John Kidd, Hal Baker, Tim and Shannon Cox, John and Alexis Stevens.