Our hope is that when you visit Covenant Presbyterian Church you will be welcomed and made to feel at home. We are a church made up of people of all ages. We are students and professionals. We are people from across the economic spectrum and from around the world.
Covenant Presbyterian Church is committed to what are typically called “the ordinary means of grace.” That is, we make a priority of those things God has given his church for the purposes of honoring Him and building each other up in Christ. That is why on Sundays there are four things we emphasize above all else: Worship, God’s Word, Prayer, and The Sacraments (Acts 2:42).
While we do not have the “feel” of a formal church our worship is grounded in the historic practice of the Reformed Church. We hear the Bible read. We sing both new and historic hymns. We pray together and for one another. We confess our sins and hear God’s words of pardon in Christ Jesus. We bring tithes and offerings for the meeting of needs and the advance of the gospel. We regularly receive the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. And each Sunday we hear the Word of God preached.
In addition to our worship services we have an education hour from 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. for all ages. To find out more about our current classes please click one of the links below.
In all these things our prayer is that God will be glorified and his people built up as disciples of Jesus Christ.