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Sunday school classes are on-going communities that meet for the purpose of growth in Christ through teaching and fellowship. Interactive instruction includes large and small group discussion that provides both a place to learn about God's Word and a place to connect with members of Covenant. They meet from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. each Sunday.
Adult Spring Classes | March 1 - May 31
PAIN: God’s Gateway to Empathy and Deeper Relationships | meets in Multi-Purpose Room East: We all understand pain and can relate to it and we are all fiercely committed to NOT feeling it. Avoiding pain is natural so why would I choose to enter into it? Could it be that pain is not merely a consequence of a fallen world but also God’s sovereign and sanctifying tool to deepen our relationship with Him and others? In this class, we will focus on how pain impacts fear and shame in our hearts and entices you to WHAT COULD BE in your relationships when you choose to enter into your pain. This class is taught by Ruling Elder, Greg Becker, Director of Congregational Care & Counseling along with the consulting services of John Kuebler, retired CPC Pastor and retired Clinical Director of Journey Counseling Ministries.
Your Word is Truth | meets in Multi-Purpose Room West: In this class on the origins and doctrine of the Bible we will be exploring questions like, “How did we get the Bible?” and “How do I read and interpret the Bible rightly?” We will also explore such foundational doctrines as the necessity, inspiration, authority, inerrancy, and sufficiency of Scripture. Our aim will be to grow in our knowledge of, love for, and confidence in the Bible as God’s true Word. This class is taught by Pastor Todd Pruitt.
Setting the Stage for the Story of Redemption: An Overview of the First Five Books of the Bible | meets in Mobile Unit 1: In this class we will look at the overarching themes from Genesis to Deuteronomy and how an understanding of these books sets us up to understand the depth and height of God’s love toward us in the gospel of His son, Jesus Christ. This class is taught by Pastor Tim Frost.
Sharing and Defending the Faith | meets in Mobile Unit 2: The Scriptures teach us that we are ambassadors for Christ. God has placed around each of us certain individuals with whom we can share the gospel, yet often it seems like a daunting task. Our study will explore both the discipline and the art of sharing and defending the faith while increasing your confidence in the power of the gospel that leads to salvation for you and all those around you. This class is taught by Pastor Aaron Roberts.
Welcome to Covenant Class | meets in Annex 5: This 11-week class is designed to introduce you to other people who attend Covenant, communicate what we believe, and shows you areas of ministries in which you can be involved. Taking the Welcome to Covenant Class is a very practical way to help you discern whether Covenant is the church where the Lord would have you worship Him, grow in discipleship, and use your gifts to reach the world for Christ. Participating in the class does not commit you to becoming a member, but it is a pre-requisite to membership. This class is taught by Pastor Burress McCombe.
Through the Roof Adults | meets in our Sanctuary’s Soundproof Room (accessed through kitchen): Join us on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays all this year! Adults with disabilities and any others are welcome to come as we delve into gospel truths together. This class is led by Covenant members Jason and Mindy Miller.
Lo que Creemos los Cristianos (What We Christians Believe) by Gerald Nyenheis | se reúne en el salón W-10: Come participate as we delve into systematic theology, studying what God says in His Word about Himself, us, salvation, and our world (to name a few of the topics). The class includes lots of reflection, discussion and application (in Spanish)! El Pastor Jacinto Hernández enseña la clase.