There are many good things in which the church may be involved. But above all, the mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). So, making disciples will be the goal toward which we invest most of our time and resources.
Fortunately we do not have to wonder about how disciples are made. The Bible describes certain practices which God has prescribed for our becoming mature followers of Jesus.
Church Membership
We believe that membership in a local church is indispensable to growth in Christian maturity. The Bible describes the relationship of Christians to a local congregation in ways that can only be understood in terms of formal membership. It is through membership in the church where we receive the instruction, care, and accountability our souls require. If you have any questions about the membership requirements of Covenant Presbyterian please contact us.
Sunday Worship
From the beginning, God blessed his people with a weekly pattern of six days of work and one day of corporate worship and rest. This gift from the Lord is essential to our spiritual growth and well-being. Our discipleship begins with a commitment to being with God’s people each week to receive the ordinary means of grace (preaching, the sacraments, and prayer). We find these means being practiced in the very first church formed at Pentecost (Acts 2:42-47).
Bible Study
The Bible is the chief means by which God conforms us to Christ (John 17:17). We offer various opportunities to study the Bible as well as resources for enriching your personal time in God’s Word. Among the opportunities available at Covenant are our Study Fellowship (Sunday School) classes that meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00.
The first church was devoted to “the prayers” (Acts 2:42). Each Lord’s Day the people of Covenant Presbyterian Church gather for prayer and worship. We offer prayers of praise, thanksgiving, confession of sin, intercession, and petition. Periodically we also gather for corporate prayer meetings. Scripture teaches us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). So in addition to our times of corporate prayer we encourage you to spend time each day in prayer privately and with fellow believers.
Home Groups
From their earliest days Christians have gathered together in homes for fellowship (Acts 2:46). We encourage all members of Covenant Presbyterian Church to carefully consider getting connected to a Home Group for encouragement, Bible study, and prayer.
Service and Participation
God has given every Christian gifts with which they are to help build up the church. As members of Christ’s body (1 Corinthians 12) Christians have the glad responsibility to serve their brothers and sisters in Christ. There is no shortage of needs present in Covenant Presbyterian Church. Whether it is helping to meet various physical needs of church members, providing financial support, teaching, serving in children’s ministry, offering musical skills, or simply making someone feel less lonely there are countless ways for you to serve. Such service is a vital part of your growth as a disciple of Jesus.