Our Special Needs Ministry gets it's name from the story in the gospels where a paralytic man is brought to Jesus by his friends by lowering him through a hole in the roof where Jesus was staying.
Why We Serve
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul expresses the importance of unity in the body of Christ. All parts of the body are important to one another and when one part hurts, so does the rest of the body. Individuals with disability have been given gifts with which to bless our church body and we want to recognize those gifts and support the families of those affected by disability.
How We Serve
We encourage and support relationships within the congregation between families affected by disability and those that come alongside them as co-laborers. We seek to ensure everyone experiences the joy of serving and being served, at their level of ability.
What We Do
Respite Care for Families with Children that have a Disability
Four times per year we host an event for children with disabilities which includes a bible story, craft, music, sensory stations, lunch, and gross motor games. Each child with a disability and their siblings are paired with a volunteer to accompany them through each activity. Parents can leave their children to do what they want for this three-hour structured event.
Support Events for Caregivers
At least two times per year we host an event in which parents of children with disabilities and caregivers of adults with disabilities can receive support. These events are varied and may include pampering, time to talk with others going through the same situations, and/or discussion with ministry or church leaders. These events will include childcare.
Support for Families
We meet with families/individuals one-on-one as needed to determine the unique needs of your family within a large congregation. From these conversations we will be able to learn what programming or assistance may be needed in the future.
We also offer training opportunities for individuals to learn more about TTR, the details of our programs, as well as guidance in working with individuals that have disabilities.
Get Involved
We would love to see relationships blossom between families affected by disability and those that are in a position to support them. One great way to meet these families is to volunteer at our quarterly respite events. We welcome entire families serving together!
Volunteering can take on a variety of roles:
- Serving as a buddy to someone with a disability or their sibling
- Assisting with setup for events
- Coordinating food at our events for children and adults
- Serving as a nurse at Respite Days
- Leading activities like the bible story, a craft, game, or music
Join our volunteer email list and receive a call from us to discuss how you could share in helping families in our church.
For more information please contact Sarah Pruett or Lisa Updike.